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Vale Paul Elvstrøm - a true legend & inspiration


Paul Elvstrøm passed away today. His endearing quote that rings true through the generations is: “You haven't won the race, if in winning the race you have lost the respect of your competitors”. 

No finer words spoken for us all to aspire to in sport as well as business. No individual has won more Olympic Gold medals than Elvstrøm.

The Dane was considered one of the greatest sailing athletes in the history of sailing, winning four consecutive Olympic gold medals, beginning with the Firefly at 1948 London and then with the Finn at 1952 Helsinki, 1956 Melbourne, and 1960 Rome.

What I personally love beyond Paul’s inspiration, passion and achievements is his sense of nostalgia returning to the Olympics 24 years after he last one gold. He returned in 83-84 sailing with his daughter making them the only father/daughter team to have competed together at the Olympics.

Eighty Eight years of inspiration, innovation and achievement. Rest in peace Paul Elvstrøm

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