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When everything else is equal, the right attitude gives a winning edge in the job hunt

When everything else is equal, the right attitude gives a winning edge in the job hunt


If you're invited to interview for a position, you can probably assume that the recruiter or employer is satisfied that you can do the job, based on your experience, your skills and your qualifications. So how do you set yourself apart from the competition?

Walking in the door with the right attitude and mindset makes all the difference when presenting for an interview. Without it, you severely hamper your ability to move to the next step.

It is essential that you show genuine interest in the person you are meeting, as well as the company and position for which you are interviewing.  Give yourself a  'sharp and swift upper cut' before the interview so you are focused, attentive and switched on - you want to present your best self and you often only get one shot at it.  Energy, enthusiasm, passion and respect are non-negotiables for anyone attending an interview.

It a common tale that strong candidates (on paper) let their ego get in the way when attending an interview, just going through the motions. Other times, it can be distraction or lack of planning, expecting their progression to be a foregone conclusion.

Turning up without the right attitude or mindset will prevent you from taking the next step faster than any other thing and it is something you can control.

Reading this article confirms the importance of respect, energy, enthusiasm and attitude in a job interview, no matter how junior or senior the role.  In the end, attitude is a choice and we can all attend an interview with the right mindset.  It costs nothing but can deliver so much.

When everything else is equal, the right attitude gives a winning edge in the job hunt.

More tips on preparing for a job interview are available on Helm's website here.

Brendon Jukes specialises in making appointments across the Private Wealth Management, Financial Planning and Funds Management Industries

Helm Recruitment is a financial services recruitment specialist. We focus on careers in investment management, including private wealth management, financial planning and funds management.

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